
Showing posts from December, 2019

Think, Say as We Do.

Ta-Nehisi Coates, author of Between the World and Me , had trouble in school. He saw no point to being in most if not all his classes, and felt a major disconnect in his life and his education. Still today, throughout the news we can see the differences between African and white Americans in our schools. According to an article by Vox , segregation in schools still occurs regularly. An example used in the article was a county school district that was effectively gerrymandered to segregate wealthy white families from surrounding minority group and poorer neighborhoods. The county that was separated had a makeup of 22% non-white students and 7% poor; the surrounding areas had a 22% poverty rate seen in schools and 55% non-white students. The segregates argued that schools were already too full, they argued, making this segregation okay On page 25 of his book, Coates writes, “If the streets shackled my right leg, the schools shackled my left… I suffered at the hands of both, but I res...